Finding your Calm

Instagram link  for 3/6/23


 I have always found nature to be restorative.  Throughout the years, I have enjoyed many vacations at our National parks.  After these, experiences I have felt recharged and ready to continue to help others heal.  Now there is research that supports my own experiences.   Most of us can't  pack up, leave town & camp out in a national park for a week, but we can generally find something near where we live that brings us some pleasure.  It might be a park near our home or a flower growing from a window box.  Nature has been written about in such classics as Walden Pond by Thoreau. One of the most famous quotes from this work is:   

“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”

― Henry David Thoreau, “Waldon"

Let all of us work on living to our fullest and move toward joy,  Take some time out of your day and contemplate nature.  This picture can be the start of your journey.  Check back next month for more info about "Finding the calm" 



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Tuesday-Friday By Appointment Only